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8 June 2024

You can still take action!

Behind the march was a broad coalition of environmental and community groups.

On Saturday, June 8, at 1pm, over 20,000 people joined the March for Nature in a peaceful protest against the Luxon Government’s reckless attacks on environmental protection.

Yuu can still take action now by sending the Prime Minister a message.

So what IS the Fast-Track Approvals Bill?

The Fast-track Approvals Bill is at the heart of this Government's systematic war on nature, which includes an attack on environmental protections critical to preserving fresh water, forests, oceans, and wildlife. It will put Aotearoa on a fast track to environmental destruction.

This anti-democratic Bill concentrates power in the hands of three Ministers and allows them to run roughshod over the few environmental protections we have in place for our threatened wildlife and landscapes - while ignoring the concerns of local communities and tangata whenua. It undermines our democracy and te Tiriti o Waitangi.

It is wide open to corruption and lacks any semblance of environmental protection while removing existing protections.